Sep 4Liked by James Lee

It's a wonderful place. I went there a few years ago and I now have a print of Winifred Nicholson's "Cyclamen and Primula" on my wall. I saw the original there and couldn't get it out of my head, it was so beautiful. A stunning collection. Do they still have the "pets" there? Little amorphous bits of stuffed fur on some of the furniture. Wasn't sure about those but the rest was first class! 😄

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I didn't spot the pets, so will have to look out for those next time I'm there! 😁 Really love Winifred Nicholson's artworks. They're so evocative and sensual. And amazing to think that she was a far more celebrated and sought after artist than Ben Nicholson whilst they were still married. It would be great to see her artworks displayed alongside pieces by other British women from the early/mid-1900s - like Gwen John, Nina Hamnett, and Vanessa Bell.

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They certainly were a talented lot. I love so many of the artists displayed at KY, particularly Gaudier-Brzeska, Brancusi and Hepworth, and as you say in your post, it's all so beautifully arranged. I've still got my little catalogue from when I went - the whole place has a wonderful story and so many beautiful pieces. I really enjoyed reading your impressions of it. Thank you!

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Oh I loved this place so much. Calm peaceful oasis of creativity. Thank you.

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Thanks, Judy! It’s such an inspiring place. ✨

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Great piece - I can’t get enough if Kettles Yard. Here’s Cultur.art on it the other week.https://www.cultur.art/post/kettle-s-yard-a-vision-of-artful-living

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Thanks, Liz! Love the Kettle's Yard feature in Cultur.art, and especially its emphasis on 'artistic living'. 🌿✨️

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Exactly! Basically I just want to live there, or I want to make my house like it. Jim Ede's vision of living in a space which is not just a place for art but also a work of art in itself is completely inspiring. And at the same time - it’s comfortable!

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I haven’t come across that. I read one of her novels years ago and wasn’t terribly keen on it until someone told me that it was supposed to be funny.! I keep meaning to try her again…

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I haven't read anything else by her, but Three Houses is a really endearing memoir - memories of her early childhood during the late-1800s; brings to life a forgotten age.

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So easy to forget the importance of comfort at home! I really enjoyed reading Angela Thirkell's short memoir 'Three Houses'. She was Edward & Georgie Burne-Jones's granddaughter. Loved how she so candidly admitted that, despite its aesthetic beauty, so much of her grandparents' furniture was painfully uncomfortable! 🙃😁

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I had never heard of this place! It sounds enchanting— a tribute to the collectors and now to your description here. Are the photos all yours? They complement the writing beautifully. Thanks for this, James.

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Thanks, Victoria. It's definitely worth a visit when you're next in the UK! And, yeah, I took all the photos. Special place. ✨️

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I love Kettle’s Yard! It was one of the last places I wrote about on my old Cambridge blog as I left. https://thecambridgeplacebook.com/lived-in-beauty-kettles-yard/

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Love your blogpost on Kettle’s Yard, Anne! In case you haven’t read it yet, I’m sure you’d enjoy Laura Freeman’s recent (it was published last year) bio of Jim Ede - ‘Ways of Life: Jim Ede and the Kettle’s Yard Artists’. Kettle’s Yard is such a unique space. It’s an intricate work of art - a living mandala.

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Sounds like a lovely book, going on my list! And I love that description, “living mandala.”

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What a fabulous place to be with art. You brought it to life.

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Thanks, LeeAnn! 🌿✨

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I feel calmer just looking at these photos. How I’d love to enter the spaces for real.

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Thanks, Rona. It's such an inspiring place - a genuine sanctuary/oasis.

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Lovely to read your post on KY, James. I passed it only the other day and said to myself I should go and visit because it’s been ages since I did. And they change the space so regularly too, there’s always a new way of seeing things.

Funny how many people here have called it an oasis - it truly is!

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so true 🌿✨️

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